BFA University of Southern Maine
MFA Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Academia de San Carlos-UNAM
BFA University of Southern Maine
MFA Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Academia de San Carlos-UNAM
Upcomming Exhibits, Washington,DC,
09;09;2009 Katzen Art Center Museum, Washington,DC,
Oct 2009 Art-Space, DC
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
2008 Lilian Fitzgerald Gallery, Bethesda,MD2007 Watergate Gallery, DC
2007 Smith Farm (2 person), DC
2004 Parish Gallery, DC
2001 Janet Andrews Gallery, Reston, VA
1998 Sueño Guajiro, México City
1997 Maeth Gallery, Santa Cruz,Ca
1996 Carole Jones Gallery, Chicago
1996 Academia de San Carlos, México City
Selected Group Exhibitions:
2004 Parish Gallery, DC
2001 Janet Andrews Gallery, Reston, VA
1998 Sueño Guajiro, México City
1997 Maeth Gallery, Santa Cruz,Ca
1996 Carole Jones Gallery, Chicago
1996 Academia de San Carlos, México City
Selected Group Exhibitions:
2009 X in DC ‘Live Painting”,2009 Nevin Kelly, 2009 Art Outlet, 2009, Artomatic, 2009 Art Registry with The Pink Line Project and Urban Pace, DC, 2008, Mexican Cultural Institute, Washington, DC, 2008 Arto Conecto, Miami, 2008 Caroll County Arts Counsel, Westminster,MD,2008 Winvian, Litchfiield,CN, 2008 Fountain Gallery, New York, New York, 2008 Wall Mountables, Washington,DC,2008, Cuisine des Artistes Meridian House, Washington,DC, Lilian Fitzgerald Gallery NIH, Bethesda,MD, 2008 Cancer Institute, 2008 Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC, 2007 Warehouse Gallery, DC, 2007 Heinamen Meyers Contemp Art, 2007 Winvian, Litchfield, CN, 2007 Projectile Gallery, NY, NY, 2007 Knew Gallery, DC 2006 Heart Gallery, DC,2005 Four Seasons Plaza, DC, Galerie Place Pille Marie, Paris,France, 2004 Continental Arts Doorne, Netherlands, 2002 WPAC, curated by Chan Chao; DC, 2002 Khoja Gallery- Arlington,VA; 2003 DCAC, DC, 2002 Museum of Contemporary Art, DC, 2001-CA, Utrecht, The Netherlands- 2002 DC Arts Center, 2001 Gallery 7, Portland,Me, 2001 Network Gallery, Herndon, VA, 1998 Arcos Gallery, Sonora, Mexico, 1997 Around the Coyote, Chicago, 1997 Salon Dez Aztecas, México DF, 1997 Cuando Gallery, NYC, 1992 X-Sta. Teresa, México DF, 1997 CETEC, México DF, 1995 Club Amistur, México DF, 1994 Taller Contreras, México DF, 1996 Mex Arte, México DF, 1996 Art Students League, Gorham, ME, 1996 Zoots, Ptld, ME, 1996 Seamen’s Club, Portland, ME 1996 USM Gallery, Portland, ME, 1996 B Gallery, Ptld, ME,1996 Seamen’s Club, Ptld, ME
Museo Salón de la Plástica Mexicana, México DF , Installation Sculpture Museo X-Convent Sta Teresa, Salón Dez Aztecas, México DF, Walk-In Sculpture USM Gorham, Me, Sculpture
2009 Hot Alien Eve- ArtOmatic
2002 Prophesy to the Dry Bones, DC
1998 Transforma, Ranas, México DF
Publications:2008 Currents ’08 by Chris Chote1995 Fine Arts Index,
1995 Nueva Vision, México DF Film:2007:
2009 www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3cu_VtbsFc “Live Painting for ‘X’ in DC” at the EFN Lounge
2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsfe6PybHT0&feature=related ,Me at Artomatic
2007: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXlpbhBnOSM , 3 minute video- 30 minute documentary in production. UK1995 “Dream Canvas” short film that went with art project. Painting at Osaka AirportSelected
Community Involvement:
2008-present Volunteer Pottery teacher, Art Space, DC
2007 Port Au Prince,Haiti, Painted 5 rooms for diabled kids
2007 San Pedro,Pedro, Dominican Republic Painted mural with children at Orphanage
2007,2008,2009 Donation of painting to Whitman Walker Clinic, DC Auction
2006 Volunteer Photographer for DC adoption
2004-2006 Volunteer Pottery teacher “Anacostia Gracious Arts Program”
2007,2008,2009 Donation of painting to Whitman Walker Clinic, DC Auction
2006 Volunteer Photographer for DC adoption
2004-2006 Volunteer Pottery teacher “Anacostia Gracious Arts Program”
2002 Tokat, Turkey-Painted mural in Orphanage for disabled children
Founder of “Arts 4 Orphans” which brings beauty, creativity, expression and love to orphans, kids and places of poverty.
1995 Havana Bienal, Cuba assistant for Gabriel Macotela Installation
Crew Member Mural Painter for Byron Peck of Ciry Arts
Crew Member Mural Painter for Anne Marchand
Hela Spa in Georgetown, DC is decorated 100% with Hennessa paintings
Winvian Spa in Litchfield Hills, CN is also decorated with Hennessa works
Various portraits, and commissions including A large scale bible scene for a Church in Portland, Me
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